
Matrix Polymer:hPP
AdditiveOrganically modified siloxane
Additive Concentration:25% by weight
Typical Bulk Density:400-500 g/dm³
Food Contact:No
FormWhite Granules
Trade Forms:Available in 25 kg bags, 1000 kg octabins, and big bags.
Storage and Handling:12 months after shipment when kept in original packaging.
Store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Keep bags closed during storage.
Säcke während Lagerung geschlossen halten.


Compatible Polymers:All types of PP and (talc-filled) PP compounds
Dosage Amount:3-8% by weight
More dosage may be required for higher talc content.
Dosage Method:Volumetric or gravimetric dosing
Processing:Can be used in all standard plastic molding processes.
The product is suitable for processing temperatures up to 300 °C.


  • Components for automotive interior applications
  • Extrusion and injection molded parts, such as housings, garden furniture, etc.pritzgussteile, wie z.B. Gehäuse, Gartenmöbel, usw.